Monday 12 December 2011

Act 5

After Romeo marries Juliet, Romeo goes into market where he meets Mercrutio and Tybalt having an argument. He tries to stop it but it turns ugly and they both draw their swords. In the middle of the battle Tybalt stabs Mercrutio and leaves with a victory. Furious Romeo pursues Tybalt to avenge his fallen friend. When he finds him they fight and it was a very long and tough fight but the great Tybalt stood victorious as he stood over Romeo's dead corpse. After hearing the news, Juliet burst into tears and her mother and I comforted her and convinced her to marry Paris. After the wedding they were blessed with a baby boy and raised him to keep the honourable Capulet name in tact.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Act 4 Interview

1. How do you feel about your daughters recent death? Do you have any idea of why she would perform such a thing?

I am dearly heartbroken, everyday is useless without her stubborn presence. Even though I didn't always agree with her decisions I always loved her. I wish my last night with her wasn't  filled with distrust. I feel that everything I have sacrificed to raise her is useless, now that she is gone. I truly do not understand what could have happened to put her in such a terrible place as to think that she is not wanted, we all love her greatly.

2. Can you imagine how your life will change now that your only heir to the Capulet name is deceased?
I imagine that everyone in our family will step up and continue to hold their heads high and carry on our honourable name.

3. Do you think you and your wife will start practising dance again? To ensure the throne?
But of course, at times like this it  is important to stay close to your family. We have no immediate plans to make our family larger.

4. Are you blaming Romeo for the the misery of Juliet after Tybalt's death? For making your daughter so miserable to take her own life?
I think Tybalt's death caused much stress on young Juliet. Romeo is the reason why Juliet was so miserable. If Romeo hadn't been so stupid Juliet would still be here today. He shall receive the same fate as Mercutio. (foreshadowing)

5. What are your thoughts towards thy Montague's now?
I still have pure hatred for thy evil family. They will get what is coming to them, and should feel the same devastation as I.

Lord Capulet
R.I.P Juliet