Monday 28 November 2011

Things I Think Are Awesome

I like to PARTAAYY!! Anytime I can get my fellow peers together and dance in squares is a hell of a time. There's nothing like a virgin daughter you know what I'm saayin? I like to "dance" with my wife, it gets pretty hot. ;)  I enjoy being around my family and listening to flute music; it really sooths the mind at events like this. I look for opportunities to find a eligible bachelor for my daughter. If she can not find a good man I suppose I will send her to be a Nun, be married to thy best man ever. I would really enjoy knowing my daughter is in good hands. I think chastity is awesome! One thing that is not awesome are the disgraceful Montague's, and how they crashed my party. Do they think they're cool or something? Ruining every ones good time with their presence.  If you ask me they should just have their own party and see who comes.

Friday 18 November 2011

Act One

Today my followers fought for thy honor of the house against thou foul Montague's. My loyal men, Sampson and Gregory fought bravely but our Prince stopped the brawl and ordered peace. I despise the thought of our house being brought down by thou filthy house of Montague. I recollect the thought that my dear Tybalt joined in to defend, he drew his sword and quarreled with Abram and Benvolio, a fair man but no match to my Tybalt. I doth hope that thou Montague does not provoke my men again by entering our scene. I think these boys need to grow their minds and protect themselves. Such behaviour does not stand in fair Verona. For I must enter thy brawl to end the conflict. But thy Old Montague  flourishes his sword in my face, as to spite me from my men. How doth such crude behaviour acts upon my grounds.

My house does not give me equal compassion, as my lady acts upon marriage for my daughter of not yet thirteen. I do not know if thy Paris is a pretty match. Although pretty, and a fair man, my young does not wish for such a sudden future. Would this man of wax add up to all that I desire from thy offspring?

Ah but my mind wanders too far from thy body. I must need'd to bestow my thoughts upon thy evening's dance. I shall need many messengers to alert my deariest cousins to accompany my house. I hope young Juliet finds her eye upon a man of dreams. Whether she find young Paris or another man of great determination and love. 

From Capulet, man of Capulet household