Monday 28 November 2011

Things I Think Are Awesome

I like to PARTAAYY!! Anytime I can get my fellow peers together and dance in squares is a hell of a time. There's nothing like a virgin daughter you know what I'm saayin? I like to "dance" with my wife, it gets pretty hot. ;)  I enjoy being around my family and listening to flute music; it really sooths the mind at events like this. I look for opportunities to find a eligible bachelor for my daughter. If she can not find a good man I suppose I will send her to be a Nun, be married to thy best man ever. I would really enjoy knowing my daughter is in good hands. I think chastity is awesome! One thing that is not awesome are the disgraceful Montague's, and how they crashed my party. Do they think they're cool or something? Ruining every ones good time with their presence.  If you ask me they should just have their own party and see who comes.


  1. You. Excuse my words, and please do excuse me dear sir if I offend you for I have no need to do that. You're a horrible father! You need to respect your daughter, she is the only child you have and you cannot waste anyones life. Let her choose who she want's to marry, it's her life not yours. Also, try treating your wife with some respect for once, not just for "dancing". Thank you, sir.

  2. I agree with your thought on how our Galas are awe-inspiring, they bring many great moments, especially the moment when I met the love of my life.

  3. But, I must disagree with a point as well, I do not wish to become a nun, I know who I love and I can't live without him.

  4. Dear lord I worry for you if all you can think of are parties and marrying your daughter off. You might try getting your priorities in order one of these days my good sir - Benvolio Montague

  5. "dance" with me baby!! <3

  6. i agree the Montague's are so annoying, they ruin everything.
